I want to develop application with XBP24CZ7WIT-004 XBee modules, I got the code warrior studio and XBee SDK installed. XBP24CZ7WIT-004 module has EM357 chip, can I develop application using code warrior + Xbee SDK for this chip set. If yes I am planning to buy development board XBIB-U-Dev. Please advice.
XBP24CZ7WIT-004 is just a Zigbee radio and you can’t load any program on it apart from its firmware.
XBP24CZ7WITB-004 modules has a Freescale MCU connected with radio. It can load program created using Code Warrior + XBee SDK.
Correction, the part number for the Programmable XBee modules don’t have a “-” in it. So it would actually be XBP24CZ7WITB004