"What is the serial pinout for the Digi Connect EZ2?"

Hi everyone,
we are planning to order a few thousand Digi Connect EZ2 device servers—one for each of our sites to pair with primary and secondary routers, along with managing IP address https://19216801.pro/ configurations. However, I haven’t been able to find a clear answer on the pinout they use for standard RJ-45 console ports, like those on Cisco, Palo Alto, and similar devices.

In a previous role, I worked with PortServer TS16s and had to custom-crimp cables to match the correct pinout, which took quite a bit of time. I know Opengear supports straight-through cables, so I’m curious if the newer Digi devices (especially since Digi now owns Opengear) are similar. I’d really like to avoid ordering thousands of these only to find out each one needs an additional adapter for the router and IP configurations. Any insights would be appreciated.

I would suggest reaching out to Digi Support by creating a case at my.digi.com

@Niamhrubi , the pinout of the Digi Connect EZ’s RJ45 serial port is pin-compatible with the Portserver TS16 RJ45 serial port, so any existing Portserver TS cables you’re using can also be used with the Digi Connect EZ 2. For reference, here are the serial pinouts of both devices:


You can purchase additional cables for your Digi Connect EZ 2 from the Accessories area here:


If you’ll be connecting your Digi Connect EZ 2 RJ45 serial port to a device which uses the Cisco/Netra RJ45 serial port pinout, this is the cable you’ll want to check out:


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