I have two XBEE Wifi S6B Modules with Firmware version 2023. I’m wanting the two modules to communicate in an Adhoc Network (point-to-point) as per page 36 of the XBee Wi-Fi RF Module S6B User Guide (Part number 90002180 M). One module is remote and the other is connected to my computer via a USB cable. I tried connecting DIN and DOUT pins on the remote module to create a loop back of sent signals but I recieved no response to anything sent in AT mode from the computer connected module.
Having exhausted my knowledge, I then tried to connect the two modules, both connected to my computer via usb cables, to an external router using the instructions from the XBee® Wi-Fi Development Kit Getting Started Guide (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzFWfMiqqjyqZEF3OVplX3puTDg/view?pref=2&pli=1). Both modules can see and connect to the WLAN and the DL and ML settings have been set with the appropriate IP addresses but there is still no response in the terminal to any input into either module. What could I be doing incorrectly?