What Xbee Modules API interface? Is it different from HA profile of ZIgbee

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Does Xbee- S2C support temperature measurement cluster ID 0X0402?

Do you mean Xbee-S2C partially support Zigbee HA profile?

Why ones need to write Xbees API on application side, if it supports HA profile

what are Xbee API interface frames and how to implement it?

Please answers in brief

Thank you in advance

The Temp measurement cluster ID is NOT directly supported by the XBee and its Application. You need to use the API interface and have your external processor support that cluster ID if you want it supported.

The S2C supports the HA profile to the extent that an RF radio need to support it. That is, it supports Association and the RF side of things. Your application that you write and load on an external processor needs to support the rest of the profile and functions.

You need to look over the API section of the XBee S2C ZB product manual to see what API frames are supported. I would also suggest looking over the supported ZDO commands or functions listing in the manual as well.

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You will need to use ZDO commands to communicate with other ZigBee products.

Those ZDO commands will be sent via the XBee’s Explicit API mode.