Is it possible to decide XBee Pro modules standard (XBP24-AUI-001) and “J” version (XBP24-AUI-001J) on interface side by reading the configuration parameters?
Will the “J” state be lost by a firmware update with the XCTU (FW: 10ec)?
Is it possible to decide XBee Pro modules standard (XBP24-AUI-001) and “J” version (XBP24-AUI-001J) on interface side by reading the configuration parameters?
Will the “J” state be lost by a firmware update with the XCTU (FW: 10ec)?
No it is not possible. The J indicates that it is calibrated for use in Japan and Europe. That is to say, a lower output power.
No changing firmware will not affect the J standing.
So looking on the label or measuring of the output power is the only way to decide between “J” Version and standard version.