The following Python test program is a quick and dirty attempt to decode a single value from a one-wire sensor using Python …
I see that I’m missing a sample_io/parseIS conversion step but cant seem to find the example in code that im looking for…What am I missing here ?
HERE is what I have …
Make known the zip file
import sys
Import the necessary library from the zip file
import xbeedin
Import the zigbee library for ddo_get_param function
import zigbee
from xbeedevice import *
from xbeeprodid import *
from sensor_io import parseIS
The XBee Digital Adapter’s 802.15.4 64bit address
Modify the destination to match the digital adapter’s address. OK.
DESTINATION = “[00:13:a2:00:40:56:19:68]!”
Create a sensor object #1. OK.
chan = 1
digital_sensor = xbeedin.XBeeDIN(DESTINATION)
Configure the digital sensor for input mode on channel 1
Note: The channel numbers start at 0. Channel 1 refers to terminal 2. OK.
digital_sensor.configure(chan, xbeedin.Input)
Trying to read prototype light sensor analog output as dc volts (+0 - +6v DC)
HELP --------------------------------- begin
Print the results: DIO adapter detected OK.
print “Adapter confirmed type is %s” % (GetXBeeProductName(XBeeDigitalIOAdapter))
print digital_sensor.channels
Try set Xbee PRO DIO Adapter to analog read mode…
Results: (Retained in firmware after power cycle. From LED’s, Appears to work OK.)
UART Data:
On the receiving XBee the module has to be set up to receive the incoming RF packets over the
UART. By setting ATIU=0x1 the receiving module will output the incoming serial data to the UART for you to read.
Verify analog mode was set. Results: OK.
value = digital_sensor.XBeeCommandGet(“d1”)
print "Channel “,chan,” D1 value is ",value
print “%d”%(ord(value[0]))
Retrieve a sample from the digital sensor using ATIS…
Results: Only 3 chars in sample + 0 when viewed as ‘self’ base type. (I am getting the Tuple only?)
value = digital_sensor.XBeeCommandGet(“is”)
sample = digital_sensor.sample(chan)
print "Channel “,chan,” sample is ", sample
print "Channel “,chan,” IS value is ",value
print “%d %d %d %d”%(ord(value[0]),ord(value[1]),ord(value[2]),ord(value[3]))
Try to read value directly…
Fail. meaningless.
value = digital_sensor.XBeeCommandGet(“a1”) ## AD1 'unsubscriptable ’ type is Null here if AD1 used directly
print "Channel “,chan,” A1 value is ",value
print “%d”%(ord(value[0]))
HELP ----------------------------- end
HERE is what I Need …
Cannot see an example of how to : read the UART using only a DIO Adapter (not the LTH sensor examples provided in DIA /
1.) Is there a quick and dirty way to test without writing a new driver from scratch?
e.g. I need the equivalent of this, inline, as a quick test, without using base classes:
# Parse the I/O sample:
io_sample = parse_is(buf)
# Calculate sensor channel values: ## only light is sensed now, on channel 2/AD2
light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))
# handle the light value - ## I just need Volts DC here (mV is fine)
light = round(light_mv,0)
if light < 0:
# clamp to be zero or higher
light = 0
self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))
if do_trace:
msg.append( ", %d brightness" % light)
Thanks in advance for your help with this simple engineering challenge (!) …