I am new in RF systems and I have 2 XBee Pro S2B (XBP24BZ7 I think in XCTU). I want to communicate them in XCTU for first steps. I have 2 Sparkfun module for USB connection. I connect them to my PC and search COM ports for XBee Modules and XCTU finds both of them. I got a issue after that, firstly I only want to communicate them on console screen of XCTU. Things I have done so far are updating 2 modules to latest version and XCTU, making 1 of it to Coordinator AT and Router AT to other. After that I make PAN ID value 1234 to 2 of the modules and write it without any other change but no RX-TX data transfer in console. https://prntscr.com/q6b2ri there will be no visible “R” logo in the XCTU as I indicated in this photo and also even though I changed PAN ID of Router AT and write it, It didn’t change Operating ID and sets its always 0. Which other parameters I should change or what other configurating I should do?
I think my modules are working fine but I cannot find how to configure them and communicate them on the console for now. I will be very pleased if you help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.