XBEE Pro SX Message Throughput lower than expected


I am using several XBee Pro SX modules to send over about 10 messages per second with a payload 40 bytes in length. These messages are being directed to an individual unit for centralization. I am using API mode 1 across SPI to send the transmit request message to each XBEE.

What I am finding is that in XTCU I am seeing that I can only receive a maximum of 23-25 messages with three units outputting 10 messages per second.

The data sheet lists a maximum data throughput of 120 kb/s. I understand that this is a maximum and I should not expect to get that absolute max, but I am only reaching 0.8 kb/s max , is there something I am doing wrong, or a misconception I have with the usage of the XBee?

Thank you for any help.

What is your option bit set to on your API frames? I suspect it is set for Mesh instead of Point to point/multi-point.

Yes it is set for DigiMesh, the Transmit Options for the frame type 0x10 is set to 0xC0.

That would be why. Mesh will always have a lower throughput simply due to the nature of a mesh. Try adjusting the TO to 0x40

I mean I 100% understand it being lower throughput and I expected lower throughput, I just wasn’t expecting 5% of the maximum throughput, and was wondering if that was normal. As well, I was wondering, if there was anything I could do to increase through put in a mesh configuration.

No that is fully expect. Mesh will cause a significant reduction in possible throughput as listed in the manual. What is listed in the manual is for a Point to point connection without mesh.