XBEE3 and digi-xbee python library


Coming from the Synapse world I love that I can now flash a XBEE using micropython and the built-in MCU, but on Coordinators I like to power them from an external host such as a raspberry pi…

I noticed that the code I used on Xbee2 along with all the examples for the digi-xbee python library fail to run on the Xbee3. Is there a newer Library that supports Xbee3 or is there a mode I can flip to make Xbee3 compatible with this library? Currently you can’t even call device.open() from XBeeDevice:

File “/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/digi/xbee/devices.py”, line 1259, in open
raise InvalidOperatingModeException(“Could not determine operating mode”)
digi.xbee.exception.InvalidOperatingModeException: Could not determine operating mode

Update on this… The error for determining operating mode was because the serial connection was hung up by another process.

I now have the code running with a Xbee3 connected, but it simply never discovers routers or end-devices (also xbee3)