XCTU Crashes When "Add Radio Module" or "Discover Radio Module" is clicked

When using the XCTU software and then selecting “Add Radio Module” or “Discover Radio Module” the software closes with no error being shown. I am running Server 2012 R2.

Any ideas how I can get this to run on this OS?

I have the same issue. Try using the older 5286 and use the report bug function.

Also use the submit feed back function to report the issue. This way the Engineering team and look into why this is not working.

I have tried this but the older 5286 XCTU does not have the helpful “network working mode” showing all the devices and their signal strengths to each other.

I really just want the new version of XCTU to work with this OS.

Right now I have the same issue. All I can suggest is use the submit feedback function to report the issue. Digi’s Engineers could then look into what is causing it and possibly provide an option to fix it.

I’m running Server 2012 R2 and XCTU Version: 6.3.0. I was able to get the “Add Radio Module” and “Discover Radio Module” options working correctly. Here’s how:

Right-click on the XCTU icon and select “Troubleshoot compatibility.” From there, select “Try Recommended Settings.” For me, “Windows Compatibility Mode:Windows 7” was the recommended setting. From there click the “Test the program…” button and XCTU launched. Leave the troubleshooter window open while testing out XCTU. I was able to use XCTU correctly from that point forward. Once you’ve verified everything works, close the program and go back to the troubleshooter window and click the “Next” button. Click on “Yes, save these settings for this program” option and then the “Close” button. Now when you launch XCTU, everything should work correctly.