XCTU does not find XBee 3 Zigbee SMT Module

I bought the Digi Mesh Kit which has 3 XBee SMT Grove Development Boards and XBee 3 Zigbee SMT Module. Using XCTU, none of the boards/radios are discovered on my Mac and also not on a Windows machine.

I updated the drivers on the Windows machine, and had them be installed again via device manager, but the boards are still not found.

When I try recovery mode and update the firmware, XCTU tells me ‘no active boot loader found’.

Any tips? I have not worked with XBee3 before but XBee series 1 & 2 just work fine on my computers.

What version of XCTU are you working with?

On the board, do you have the Loop back jumper installed?

Are the COM ports not populating for the interface board or are you simply not able to talk to the XBee on the board?

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Thanks mvut! This solved the problem.

I had the loop back jumper installed but it was in the wrong position. Now, XCTU finds the device.