XMLRPC Presentation

Because of a previous problem with not having enough memory to run the XMLRPC presentation, I tried to make my own XMLRPC server, but I’m recieving a “NameError: No global name found: gethostbyaddr()” error. I know the entire python library isn’t on the Connectport gateways, but how does Dia work around this?

I plan on upgrading to a Connectport X8 from the X2. Can you guarentee the XMLRPC presentation will work for the X8?


Check out http://www.digi.com/wiki/developer/index.php/Module_Notes

The piece about socket.getfqdn()in BaseHTTPServer I believe is your problem, it will throw the NameError.

The XML-RPC presenatation will work just fine on a ConnectPort X8.

Does the XML-RPC presentation not work on your ConnectPort X2 if you disable all of the other presentation modules?


Thanks clohfink, that was the problem. I had to set logRequest=0 / False in order to get around the call.

@Jordanh I only try to run 1 presentation with 20 XBee Sensors and I receive a MemError when XMLRPC tries to start, so it continues to retrieve values, but nothing to interface with. I think its because there are around 5 objects created for each sensor and with 20 sensors with dia.zip, python.zip, and all is taking too much room. It didn’t seem to matter if I took some extra files off, it still wouldn’t go, so I made my own.

I heard somewhere that there was some benchmark with 1000 end nodes. How was this done? Multiple gateways and not running any software and running a node discovery command?

Again thanks,