Zigbee connectivity problem( Test/Query shows no radio module found)

We bought a Zigbee-model before 2 months and it was working properly. We changed the Zigbee coordinator as router module and the router module as Co-ordinator module. After changing this configuration, the Zigbee is not working.Kindly help us in solving this issue. The Zigbee shield and the radio module is working fine, but we are not sure with the configuration we made.

I am not sure I understnad your question. Are you able to send and receve data? What issues are you having? What exact firmware versions did you installed or changes to the firmware did you make?

No we are not able to send and receive data. Issue is one of the radio module is not being detected. We are using XCTU Legacy version. We have also tried latest version, but the results remain same. Expecting your support

Try folowing the procedure described at http://www.digi.com/support/kbase/kbaseresultdetl?id=3402. If that does not work and the XBee Recovery option in XCTUNG does not work, it is time for a new module.