i don’t want to register a public endpoint, cluster id, or profile id at the ZigBee Alliance.
I thought endpoints are something like TCP port numbers. So Digi has some in use for their own purposes, and i would like to have an endpoint for mine.
I thought everybody can use any free endpoint for private profile…
So, how i use endpoints with XBee modules?
I’m looking for something to open/register an endpoint, like you open a port for TCP/IP.
Bind to endpoint 0xe8 (232) for ZB/DigiMesh, but 0x00 for 802.15.4
sd.bind((“”, 0xe8, 0, 0))
Block until a single frame is received, up to 255 bytes:
payload, src_addr = sd.recvfrom(255)
Send the payload back to the source we received it from:
sd.sendto(payload, 0, src_addr)
Otherwise, if you only have a module to appropriate thing to do is to attach an MCU and enable Explicit-RX frames using the AO parameter. Then you will receive frame with the endpoint, profile, and cluster information.
If you want to process bindings yourself you may also enable second bit in the AO register that will propigate ZDP information to you.