How to add a ZigBee private profile including endpoint, cluster, attribute into a XBee Series 2 End-Device module?

I have 2 XBee Series 2 modules configured as Coordinator and End-Device using API mode. I want to add a my private profile and its cluster into an End-Device module so that when I start discovery on Coordinator side, I can find my End-Device module and not other nearby ZigBee modules that don’t match with my private profile ID.

The XBee modules with their related firmware do not support custom profile ID’s. You would need to create your own code for that.

As for the End points and cluster ID’s. That nothing more than using API mode with ZDO pass thru.

  1. I’m a newbie.
  2. Could you please elaborate and break down into some high level steps?
  3. What do you mean saying “Create my own code”?
    3a. Do you mean I should call functions in the official C Library
    3b. Or I would have to modify your firmware code?
  4. Someone in this forum said that I might need to use XBee S2C module to archive this because Series 2 Standard module doesn’t have HomeAutomation profile capability

Are you wanting to work with the Zigbee Home Automation profile or are you wanting to work with the public profile or are you wanting to have your own profile that is Certified by the Zigbee Alliance?

No, the official C lib is sample code for communicating from a micro processor to an XBee module. What I am referring to is where you would need to write Code from scratch or from a Lib from Ember to then port over to the XBee.

  1. I don’t want to work with HA profile.

  2. I don’t want to work with any public profile.

  3. I want to have my own profile. I don’t know whether my own profile needs to be certified by Zigbee Alliance at this moment and that can be decided later.

  4. For example, I want to create an ZigBee Temperature sensor (End-Device) device. I want this device has my own profile ID, few clusters, few attributes. This device can be discovered by Coordinator when Coordinator does a search for a specified profile ID.

  5. It looks like Digi have Xbee S2C ZigBee Development Kit but I can’t find its documentation in more details. Does it contain ALL the steps and tools needed to accomplish this?

Assume I successfully build this End-Device sensor, can it be discovered, read, write from/to attribute by XBee Series 2 module using the official C lib sample code for communicating from a micro processor to an XBee module?

No, the S2C development kit will not provide you all you need as you need to develop your own custom application/firmware for the XBee module. For that you need to acquire the necessary Code and BDM programmer from Ember in addition to the development kit above.

If you are not familiar with writing Firmware for an RF processor, I would strongly recommend you contact Digi’s WDS service and have them write it for you.