32 Digi port server TS 1. loosing connection completly one by one

Hi, here is my problem:
I have 32 port server TS 1 all connected to serial controller on 32 different sites then all through WAN connection to one Server (Windows server 2003 SP2) configured as realport comms named from com2 - com34. and I started to loose connection to the (serial devices only) meanning that the digi it self responds and i can ping it but i cannot recieve and send data to the remote serial device connected to the digi. this happend so far for 8 digi devices and i have to setup the digi port server on the windows 2003 Server again to reconnect to the serial device any help please??

Ok, so based on your description you’re using your Portserver TS1 devices with Realport running on some server. How did you configure the serial ports of your Portserver TS1, i.e. which profile did you select?

Assuming you selected Realport for the question above, this is likely a flow control issue, so you’d want to compare the hardware you have connected to your Portserver TS1 and what type of flow control that hardware uses with the settings of whatever application is opening the corresponding Realport comm port, and make sure they match.

thanks for your replay,
I did select the Realport profile, and after I create the Realport for the Digi I go to the Device Manager and search for the corresponding Multi-port serial adapter and change its serial settings to match the serial settings of the Hardware conncected to the Digi and the settings on the software. one thing i noticed is that the parity setting on the digi device is ODD although it was set as NONE, and the Realport setting for the parity is set to NONE.

I’m not sure why the parity setting would be changing, since the settings on the Digi will be controlled by however the port is opened on the Realport side. It would probably be best if you created a Tech Support case so we can look into this deeper.

I think there is a misunderstanding about the function of the port settings in the device manager. Initially, setting the parameters appears to make no difference.
I expect that you understand that most applications will send all of the serial port parameters when it opens a serial port. When the device’s profile is set to RealPort, the driverwill switch the port settings to the parameters the application sent. There are a few applications (often applications involving printing), which will look for serial parameters in the registry. These applications will use the settings it finds there to open the port.
Here is the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Ports

For example, if a printer is configured to use 19200 baud, but this parameter is not recorded in the registry for this port, the printer driver may decide to use 2400 baud rather than the 19200 when opens the port. The driver option allows a user to set the correct baud rate parameter, so that an application which looks in the registry for the baud rate will use 19200.
Setting the parameters of the com port in the device manager does not interfere with other applications opening the port with the parameters it sets.