all clients loose connection to USB Dongle

We are using AnywhereUSB 8 Plus

Firmware: AnywhereUSB Manager Version

All 8 USB dongles were not accessible for all users over the past weekend.

Only after PowerOFF/PowerON cycle on Monday morning the access to USB dongles was back OK.

After RMA this AnywhereUSB 8 Plus was configured from scratch and worked fine last month.

Does someone have an idea about this or know this behavior?



I have experienced this on an AnywhereUSB 2 plus.

Only the AnywhereUSB service had stopped responding but the device was still online. I rebooted the device remotely and it came good.

I am using this device on the public internet so I believe it is either the service crashing due to something probing the port or a poor client connection causing the service to crash.

Are you using the device remotely over the internet?

We are using AnywhereUSB 8 Plus on local network and remote via VPN.
