Anywhere USB causes BSOD

Hi All,

Yes I have read the previous post “Anywhere USB Keeps Crashing\Rebooting” and I have followed it exactly.

I am using the 1.80 drivers (I have reloaded these several times, following the above post)

I have an issue that when I plugin or remove a modem attached via USBAnywhere, my Windows 2003 R2 ENT server will Blue Screen.

I have 3 identical modems attached to the USBAnywhere. I havet tried several configurations and this still craches the server. I have also attached 3 different modems.

I too am using VMWare ESX 3 (Although this shouldn’t matter)

usbd.sys was update from Windows CD C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbd.sys version 5.2.3790.0 date 30\11\2005

EVENT:The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0xf3b1e605, 0xf887ead8, 0xf887e7d4). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP.

Anyone able to help with this one?


Please contact me directly on this at

Please include what you posted in this forum as well.

Thank you,

Mike Swift

This can be solved by updating the device with the newer firmware and the driver.