Hi all,
we are using Digi AnywhereUSB 8 Plus and are facing the issue that in AnywhereUSB Manager we have doubled entry in Hubs. Same device, but different IPs. I want to remove the Hub with the none-correct IPaddress, which is marked with a red X. I cannot find how to get it removed.
Can someone help out?
Many thanks in advance, RaSc
Hello @rasc! Based on your question, I think you’re running into this:
Did you add your AnywhereUSB Plus Hub to AnywhereUSB Manager as a Known Hub? One Hub entry you’re seeing is likely the known-hub entry, the other is the “discovered” Hub due to the Autofind hubs feature being enabled in AnywhereUSB Manager → Preferences.
If you’ve added the AnywhereUSB Plus hub as a Known Hub, you can disable the Autofind Hubs feature.
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Thanks, will figure out now.
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