I’ve some problem to connect my Connect Wi-Me-9210 to the access point CISCO 1240.
After several test, I’ve decided to sniff (wireshark) the Wi-Fi connection.
I’ve noticed that the CISCO is sending a IE802.11 wireless LAN management frame with a Tag called “ERP Information”
The value of “ERP Information” is set to Use protection, and the Digi can’t connect the AP.
But if I disable the “ERP Information”, the Connect W-Me connect perfectly the AP.
Please, somebody could tell me what is exactly this parameter “ERP Information” ?
And why the Digi can’t connect the AP if this parameter is enable.
Thanks for your help
On the connectwi-me9210 what authentication and/or encryption parameters are you using?
I understand that you see ERP packets sent from the CISCO router and I understand that when you shut off the ERP business that the connectwi-me9210 connects without issue. Sometimes it is also helpful to understand how you have the connectme9210 set up relative to authentication and encryption.
Hi Dakotas_dad,
thanks for your answer.
My connect Wi-Me 9210 is using:
authentication: WPA2-PSK
Hello David
Please verify a few other details:
What version of NET+OS are you running? The current/latest version is NET+OS 7.5.2.
Are you up on all package manager updates to the version of NET+OS that you are running?
When you talk about the connectwi-me9210 "connecting (or more to the point not connecting) to the Cisco 1240 my guess is you are referring to the connectwi-me9210 associating with the Cisco 1240 so that when done the connectwi-me9210 is ready to communicate through the Cisco 1240 to other wired and wireless nodes.
Hi Dakotas_dad,
I confirm that I’m using NET+OS 7.5.2
The problem is the association between Connect Wi-Me 9210 and CISCO.
In fact I’ve noticed this problem 12 month ago and then worked on some other project.
Probably the packages wasn’t up to date.
So, I’ll need to retest the association with CISCO using the latest packages…
I don’t know when I’ll be able to do it, but I’ll let you know…