I have accidently configured my Digi Connect WAN (GPRS/EDGE modem) with auto ip assigning,ie DHCP.Now i am unable to connect to my modem because i dont know its exact IP and its setup is unable to auto detect it.I have tried to detect it through MAC add (i dont have its DNS),but in vain.I want to configure my modem with specific IP,so i will be very grategul if anyone can help me to resolve the above issue.
The easiest way to figure out what IP the Digi has taken on would be to plug a crossover cable in between your PC and the Connect WAN, and use the Discovery Tool to find it. Launching the Digi Discovery Tool should pick up the current auto IP that the Digi is using. The Discovery Tool can be found at the below link:
Make sure you have temporarily disabled any firewalls, as they tend to block the Discovery Tool from working. From within the Discovery Tool, you should be able to change the IP to a static IP.
If you still cannot find the device, you may have to factory default the unit by following our default procedure, located at the below link: