ConnectPort X2 as coordinator: router device missing on reboot

Decription of my issue

Here is the step that describe my issue:

  1. Start my connectport X2 ZB coordinator
  2. setup params to be compatibe with zigbee HA (Home Automation)
  3. join a router that use digi xbee cheap (00:13:a2:00:40:7b:5d:32!)
  4. join another router that is a commercial plug certified HA (Home Automation) with a TI cheap (CC2530 I suppose): (00:12:4b:00:01:22:d3:65!)

At this step, I’m very happy, everything works until I restart my connectport X2.

The issue:
5) When I restart the connectport, It remains only one device in the device list. (the commercial HA (Home Automation) with a TI cheap plug is missing)
(the same happen if I do a “refresh device list” with “clear cache” from the browser interface)

EDIT (13 november 2014):
“xbee.get_node_list” does not show all network devices.
I have been able with ZDO LQI command to scan the network from my python app. I don’t know if it’s right but it’s working.

=> ISSUE workarroud thanks to LQI

Please Help:

bellow I tried to give revelent information I have. I can add more if you ask.
What did I do wrong ?

Extra information:

  • I have not this pb if I replace the connectport with an xbee configured as coordinator attached to my computer.
    So it’s seems it has something to do with my connectport configuration ?
  • if I unplug/plug the missing device, it comes back to the device list
  • I already tried to upgrade the radio firmware of my connectport (doesn’t change anything)
  • I tried to force one channel with SC mask (doesn’t change anything)


== Before reboot (everything seems OK)

#> xbee neighbor_table 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!

Neighbor table on 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!

Extended address         Network Node Type   Sleep    Relation Depth Link

00:13:a2:00:40:7b:5d:32! [3dc2]! router      no    none       15    0xff
00:12:4b:00:01:22:d3:65! [b6f5]! router      no    none     15    0xff

#> display xbee

XBee network device list

PAN ID: 0xc874 - 0x0000000000043100
Channel: 0x0c (2410 MHz)
Gateway address: 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!
Gateway firmware: 0x21a7

Node ID Network Extended address Node type Product type

            [b6f5]! 00:12:4b:00:01:22:d3:65! router                             => the one that disapear after reboot

110V2105825 [3dc2]! 00:13:a2:00:40:7b:5d:32! router Unspecified
coordinator [0000]! 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17! coordinator X2 Gateway

1 coordinator, 2 routers

To display device details:
display xbee address[=id|address]

#> display xbee address=00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!

Status of device: 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!

        pan_id (OI): 0xc874
    ext_pan_id (OP): 0x0000000000043100
       channel (CH): 0xc
      net_addr (MY): 0x0
   association (AI): 0x0

firmware_version (VR): 0x21a7
hardware_version (HV): 0x1a47
device_type (DD): 0x30003
children (NC): 10
max_payload (NP): 255 (bytes)
supply_voltage (%V): 3254 (mvolts)
rssi (DB): 57 (-dBm)
tx_power (PP): 10 (dBm)
ack_failures (EA): 0

== After reboot (one device left):

> display xbee

XBee network device list

PAN ID: 0xc874 - 0x0000000000043100
Channel: 0x0c (2410 MHz)
Gateway address: 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!
Gateway firmware: 0x21a7

Node ID Network Extended address Node type Product type

110V2105825 [3dc2]! 00:13:a2:00:40:7b:5d:32! router Unspecified
coordinator [0000]! 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17! coordinator X2 Gateway

1 coordinator, 1 router

Connecport X2 Configuration pro:


Is is possible you have another coordinator on-line that the TI device is joining when it is unable to reach the Digi coordinator?

Is a matching PAN I.D. being assigned to both the Digi Coordinator and TI device?

thanks to answer,

  • there is no other coordinator power up.
  • the PAN ID I set is 43100 as specified in HA profile. (the ti device plug is HA certified)

If I power down/up the ti device, it will join again. (I think a beacon is sent at that time). this device is a zplug from cleode.

I just realise I miss-understood the problem.
Indeed the ti device is present in the neighbor_table but not in the list i get from python with “xbee.get_node_list” nor with the “display xbee” from telnet shell.

As you can see in the log bellow the device is there (00:12:4b:00:01:22:d3:65!) in the neighbor_table.

For me it’s a good news. I still have to figure out how I can get the full device list from python. I thought the xbee.get_node_list was the way to go but it seems I was wrong. Not clear either why with the xbee attached to my PC the behavior is different.

If I succeed, I’ll let you know how I managed to work arround this. By the way if someone can tell me what is the right way to get an exhaustive list of all zigbee devices part of the network I would be happy.

#> display xbee

XBee network device list

PAN ID: 0xc874 - 0x0000000000043100
Channel: 0x0c (2410 MHz)
Gateway address: 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!
Gateway firmware: 0x21a7

Node ID Network Extended address Node type Product type

110V2105825 [3dc2]! 00:13:a2:00:40:7b:5d:32! router Unspecified
coordinator [0000]! 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17! coordinator X2 Gateway

1 coordinator, 1 router

To display device details:
display xbee address[=id|address]

#> xbee neighbor_table 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!

Neighbor table on 00:13:a2:00:40:91:65:17!

Extended address Network Node Type Sleep Relation Depth Link

00:12:4b:00:01:22:d3:65! [15cb]! router no none 15 0xfe
00:13:a2:00:40:7b:5d:32! [3dc2]! router no none 15 0xff

I succeed to make my app working doing this:

  • I discover xbee nodes from my python app with ZDO LQI command.