We are running 3 AW02 devices and they are mapped through to 4 different VM’s with a number of different licencing USB adapters and USB Keys.
Since deploying them back in March we have had constant issues with USB devices dropping offline from the anywhere hubs.
When the hub drops offline from the Digi Anywhere Manager where it is searching for the Hub and cannot be found. The only way we have found that we can get the Server to connect back in to the hub is to reboot the hub from the web interface and the Hub will come online almost immediately.
We have continually performed software and firmware updates on the units and it still comes back.
We have moved USB devices around and isolated devices and it doesnt seem to matter, after 3-4 weeks the hub will just drop the connection, users get kicked out of applications and we need to reboot the hub to get things back online.
We’ve logged multiple tickets with Support, each time we are advised to perform a firmware update on the unit and make sure the software has been updated.
We have also had one device replaced under RMA, Upon return it was placed back in to production and again after 3 weeks we have then seen the issue again.
Does anyone have any advise on what may be going on or am I stuck with three paper weights?