Is the Digi Connect ME-9210-LX recommended for a new design that will have a life of several years?
Also, the Kubuntu/Eclipse development system tools seem good but are not kept up to date. What are my development tool options? Would I need to stick with what is supplied? Have others successfully updated Kubuntu/run on Ubuntu, updated Eclipse, etc? Any 3rd party options?
Any other advice on getting started with this module?
Thanks for any feedback!
Hi Im using NET+Os version. And Im get ensured with ±15 years life time of the product. We are requesting larger volumes.
One year ago i tried to use Linux version, and there is no strictly dependent on Kubuntu OS. I successfully install it on gentoo OS.
On linux you can do anything you want, but I recommend to you use the standard distro with IDE because is there all development software you need. But for example on notebook the provided kubuntu installation didnt work…