digi neo windows 7 x86 blue screen

I am trying to use a digi Neo 8 PCI card in a windows 7 x86 computer. The card works fine when using XP on the same computer.

After I install the driver, everything appears to work fine until I open a terminal program (in this case Teraterm,) select one of the digi serial ports, set the baud rate to 115kbs, 8, N, 1 and try to type into my device. As soon as I hit the key, the system will bluescreen referencing an issue with this driver:


My device is a simple serial server, and works fine with XP. I have replicated the issue on two motherboards: Radisys JD35Q and Supermicro H8DCI.

The card also seems to work if I’m using windows 7 x64 with no issues.

I am using version released on 09/13/2013

You might want to contact Digi Tech. Support regarding this behavior:

Phone: 952 912 3456
Email: tech.support@digi.com
Eservice Support: http://mydigi.force.com/customers