We are trying to install the Digi RealPort to connect an IP device to a COM port in a Windows Server 2008 R2 64bits. This Server is a Virtual Machine of VMWare, and works in a ESX4 platform.
We test with the Driver
Digi RealPort Driver & Setup Wizard Version 4.5.372.0, 04/19/2013
We have the next problem:
Digi RealPort Setup Wizard has stopped working.
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program.
Searching in the help menu, we test to install with the command prompt and we have the next error.
Please contact Digi technical support with the following:
Error: 5 File: .\WinNTInfMgmt.cpp Line: 95
Failed to complete operation!!
Where is the problem and how we can solve it?