I am using an Arduino wireless shield. I had no problems before the change to API and the other Xbee s2 I have which is still in AT mode is recognized.
I get the following error:
could not find any device in COM 8>error initializing xbee device parameters>connection timeout >Could not read Hardware and Firmware version.
thanks for everthıng
What do you have the XBee module mounted on? If it is not one of Digi’s interface boards, then you may be having issues with the board you are using not providing a connection from the PC to the module on all of the required lines such as DTR and RTS.
The bulk of the Shields do not provide the necessary lines needed to change firmware. You need to contact the vendor of the shield for help in connecting the DTR and RTS lines if you want to change firmware using that board.
These are the hardware flow control lines used in an RS232 or 3V CMOS connection. They are required lines for updating firmware on the XBee modules. Most Arduino or Shield boards don’t add them. They only connect the minimum lines needed for two way communications.