I have followed the instructions for half-duplex RS-485 communication on the Edgeport/1i device, however I am unable to communicate.
R+ (pin 4) and T+ (pin 7) are tied together.
R- (pin 8) and T- (pin 3) are also tied togther.
Pins 1 and 5 are shorted together per instructions.
Tests ok on digital loopback test.
Operation of RS-485 device has been confirmed with two other USB-RS485 adapters.
When I attempt to make a connection with my RS-485 device, the Windows XP operating system repeatedly makes its connect/disconnect sound as when a new device is found.
Wanted to use Digi product for its robust driver, however there appears to be a serious problem with this device
Please advise.
Will the Edgeport/1i work in a two-wire (Half Duplex) application?
For cabling information, review the Edgeport Industrial model Installation Guide, which contains cabling information for the Edgeport/1i:
Follow the cabling diagram in the Edgeport/2i section (immediately below the Edgeport/1i section) titled “Cable Connections (DB9 Female) for Half Duplex”. Also, as stated in the Edgeport/1i section, for Half Duplex, short pin 1 to pin 5 (GND).