HTML-to-C Compiler vs AWS + PBuilder

I’m a newbie and I have just bought the Digi Jump Start kit for Digi Connect ME module.
I have read the documentation and I have found two way to use HTML pages and C code : HTML-to-C compiler and AWA (Advanced Web Server) toolkit + PBuilder.
What are the differences ?


This is an old post but has not been answered. In case anyone still needs the answer to this…

The "HTML-to-C compiler " also known as the "basic" web server component of the NET+OS development environment was discontinued and no longer included as of NET+OS V7.5. It has been recommended since at least NET+OS V7.3 that users transition themselves from the "basic" web server to the "advanced" web server (pbuilder-based) as the "basic" web server would be going away.

The advanced web server (AWS) is a much more robust web server component. The pbuilder utility performs the html-to-c conversions and allows  for "callback" functions to be written and called facilitating the flow of data from the device to the browser or visa versa. There is also the capability of writing your applicaiton in "CGI" mode if you really, really don't want to use the pbuilder utility. In CGI you must parse the data directly from the http data thus the AWs engine does much less for you. But some users want that level of control.