I can't get caller ID to work

I opened a hpyer terminal window and send at#cid=1 and I get OK back. When I call the modem all that shows up is RING RING RING. I have installed a MultiTech modem on comm port 1 and the caller id works ok with the MultiTech modem.


I want to use a multi-modem adapter to get the caller Id information from all its ports, so is there any issues makes that not possible,

have you solved your caller id problem? or still didnt make it work?

I take it you have an Acceleport RAS product? What version of firmware is in it? (the output of command ATI3 will tell you this).

As far as testing this goes, make sure that S0 is set to 2 or higher, since the Caller ID info is sent between the first and second ring. Also, you’ll want to test this from a Hyperterminal session, which you stated you were doing. The valid values of the #CID command are 0,1,2,10. What result does command AT#CID give you?

> I take it you have an Acceleport RAS product? What
> version of firmware is in it? (the output of command
> ATI3 will tell you this).
> As far as testing this goes, make sure that S0 is set
> to 2 or higher, since the Caller ID info is sent
> between the first and second ring. Also, you’ll want
> to test this from a Hyperterminal session, which you
> stated you were doing. The valid values of the #CID
> command are 0,1,2,10. What result does command
> AT#CID give you?


Looking to see if anyone else has got caller ID to work on Acceleport RAS 8. I am having trouble with AT#CID=1 =2 and =10. They all report null caller ID information. The rest of the functionality seems to be fine.

I installed the latest firmware 80006691_M3.bin into \windows\system32\drivers\fepdense.bin on our Windows Server 2003 machine, and rebooted. However the output of ATI3 is still “V80006691_M2-K56_DS”. I have also upgraded the driver to 5.0.314.0

Does anyone have success with caller ID so far? Anyone try Linux?


For some reason the latest firmware is not being loaded by the driver after you rebooted.
Please see the attachment for installing the new firmware. NOTE: The driver must be updated first and then the firmware second. There are several callerid fixes in tis firmware.

> Hi,
> For some reason the latest firmware is not being
> loaded by the driver after you rebooted.
> Please see the attachment for installing the new
> firmware. NOTE: The driver must be updated first and
> then the firmware second. There are several callerid
> fixes in tis firmware.

Thanks for the prompt response!

According to the document - we should update the file

Whereas the instructions that come with the firmware ask us to copy it to:

That may be the issue - I will restart and post difficulties if any later.

The same firmware file is used with multiple adapters and with different driver versions. If you had the original Windows drivers installed, you would use fepdense.bin. With newer drivers rename the file (when used with this adapter) to dgarfep.bin.

> The same firmware file is used with multiple adapters
> and with different driver versions. If you had the
> original Windows drivers installed, you would use
> fepdense.bin. With newer drivers rename the file
> (when used with this adapter) to dgarfep.bin.

Hi again

I have the driver 5.0.314.0 installed, and the new firmware in dgarfep.bin

The new output of ATI3 is

Hope this is the expected output.

I still dont get any output on using AT#CID=1 and AT#CID=2
and for AT#CID=10


I was wondering if there was anything else I could try to make caller ID work.


Use HyperTerminal to connect to a Digi modem, such as connect to com3, if that is assigned to one of the Dig modems. Use 115200, 8,N,1, hardwre flow control.
You nay have to stop other applications or services to be able to make a connection.
Issue these commands:

What is the response to the last command.
If it comes back with a 1, try calling the phone line connected to that modem.
When you see the the RINGS come in see if you get the callerid information.
CallerID does not work with every phone company’s implementation.
The callerid information presentation is controlled by the phone company. It is recommended that the phone number be presented prior to the name.
Hopefully, the callerid your phone company provides is one that will work with the modems.

Good Luck.


I get 1 in response to AT#CID? after performing the steps you have mentioned. I still do not get any caller ID information through the modem.

I am sure my phone company provides it, because when I connect a phone handset to the line, I receive the caller ID information.

Is there any other firmware that I can try to make this work?

The response of ATI3 is

That is does not work is unfortunate.
You could try changing the callerid type to 2 or 10 rather than 1.

If one of the other types do not work, there is no other firmware of which I am aware which will work with CallerID.
CallerID will either work or not work, depending on the phone company.
Since this product is “frozen”, it is considered to be use as is. There will not be any additional engineering work to modify, fix or change the firware or the drivers.

None of the caller ID types work. With an earlier firmware I was able to see the caller ID headers, but all values were NONE. With the latest firmware even these headers do not show up.

Unrelated, but the product page below does say the product is still active, not frozen.

Hi tiyer,

The product is not obsolete, so it still appears as an active product. It is still being sold.
However, there is limited tech support for it and there is no engineering support.
As I said previously, these modems do not work with all callerid systems.
It appears that this function is not compatible with your telephone company’s callerid system.


Digi Tech Support