idigi platform is saying that my device already exists, but is not showing it in the device list

A few months ago i haven’t had this problem with my ConnectPortX4. Now i tried to add manually but idigi says

Failed to add one or more devices 
Device 00:40:9D:41:80:7E already exist

What I should do?

I had this problem and it turns out that I had two accounts on iDigi. For some reason, when I added a device it would add it to my other account, not the account I was logged in as.

I think I had the first account at and then when it changed to i made an new one, before the other one migrated. That is just a guess though.

I’m having the same issue, any ideas? Did you find a solution

If you are trying to add a device in either iDigi server (developer or sandbox) and it comes back with the message “Failed to add one or more devices:” it means that you, or someone else has already entered this device in the server – within the same account or within another account. If you do not see a duplicate of this device within the account you are in, please provide the MAC Address of your device and server you are attempting to load it into and we can let you know what account it is assigned to.

I just had the same problem, the problem was with my firefox. When I updated my firefox the problem was gone!

Hey All,

In this case I would recommend to contact Digi Technical Support to help you out.

So, contact to Digi Technical Support from Support WebPortal.