Is it possible to build ZigBee network on the XBee series 1 (XB24-AWI-001) modules? Or another mesh-network.

Hello. I have 3 modules XBee series 1 (XB24-AWI-001, not PRO). I need to build ZigBee network with help this modules. Can I do it?

I`m trying “recover” firmware XB24-ZB “End device” or “ZigBee Coordinator API”, but it failed: it does not find a active bootloader. How can I build mesh network on XBee series 1 (not PRO)? If it possible. Can I program the module to do a several code? For example, read temperature from sensor and sent it over-on-air to second module.

Please, help me.

Thank you)

XBee S1 only supports 802.15.4 or DigiMesh.
For ZigBee, you want XBee S2, S2B, or S2C.

Can DigiMesh be used on XBee S2, S2B or S2C?

The S2C is the most current module. It can support all 2.4 GHz protocols: 802.15.4, DigiMesh, or ZigBee via different firmware loads.

The S2 and S2B are ZigBee only.

Okey. And last question: can XB24-AWI-001 be updated to XB24-DM (XBEE DigiMesh 2.4) firmware? Current firmware is “XB24 - XBEE 802.15.4 - 10ef and 10CD”.
I`m trying to figure this out for the last two weeks, but unsuccessfully :-(.
This discuss is for another forum with photos and detailed description of the problem:

Please, help me. I have a diploma at the end of Junuary, but I`m stalled on this problem.

Thank you!

What is “Active bootloader”? XCTU cannot connect to “active bootloader” on XB24-AWI-001 (serial 1) and different methods of restarts (pushing button, sending remote AT-command “FR”, pulling and inserting of the module in the hand-made devboard) doesn`t helping.

The XBee S1 can use either XB24 firmware or XB24-DM firmware. Anything that shows up in that “UPDATE” menu is compatible with your hardware. DM stands for DigiMesh, so that’s the firmware you can use for a mesh network.

It looks like you’re able to add the modules to XCTU and read the settings, but you’re not able to update the firmware due to the “active bootloader” error. This tells me that the interface board that you are using to connect the XBee to the PC does not have the required lines to flash a serial firmware update. Please see this page from the manual:

(That’s from the ZigBee manual, but it applies to all XBee modules)

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