Is there a Programmable, Low-Power, Non-SMT XBee?

It seems like there is a product gap here. I need a low-power, programmable, regular (non-SMT) XBee module but it doesn’t appear in any lists.

This is the module I’m looking for is:
XBP24BZ7PITB003 - but minus PRO
XB24-Z7PIT-004 - but plus Programmable
XB24CZ7PISB003 - but regular, not SMT

This module would likely be called:
Programmable XBee ZB

Am I missing it somewhere?

Thank you,

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So true. There is a gap in the product line. If you follow the history of the Programmable option you may notice that it follows the introduction of new versions of the hardware. I feel that it is only a matter of time before we see the whole family of XBee’s supported by a programmable option. The new XB900HP and XB868LP were introduced with a programmable option! So as that famous line in the Hobbit goes the answer is—Time.


I am also waiting for this. I also need a developement Kit with these modules. Are they done jet?

Right now you would need to go to the Surface mount version of the XBee ZB modules to find a Programmable version of a standard 1mW XBee ZB module.