My NetOsprog dont work with new DigiConnect ME9210


I got some new DigiConnect Me 9120. My Netosprog don’t work any more.
The telnet Console tell my the Version is NetOS 7.6.
Until now it was V7.5.2

NetosProg stop with: FtpPutFile failed with error 12030!

Is NetosProg (V1.3.15.0) from V7.5 (not compatible with V7.6?
Is V7.6 available?

Any Idea?

The error you’re seeing means:
The connection with the server has been terminated.

So the question is, what version of the Digi Connect ME 9210 are you using? Digi sells two variants, a -C and a -S variant. -S variants have a built in Web UI (root/dbps is the default username/password) you can access, while the -C variants have an FTP server on them. The two variants can’t be converted back and forth.

I have the -C variants. The connection on the FTP server works with (root/password) But i think something with the File i send is wrong.
I send a image.bin.

With older connect Me9210 (NetOs V7.5.2) it works and with the new NetOS V7.6 it don’t.
Im confused because there is no update to 7.6 available in me Digi ESP Development environment.


 In the directory into which you installed NET+OS is the following subdirectory:

utilities\win32\discovery\Win32_Samples. IN that subdirectory is a file Finder.exe. This is a GUI version of netosprog. Can you try that program and does it work or not?

I think the Finder.exe only discovery the DigiConnect. The discovery is not the problem. It also work with netosprog /discovery
Also the login on the FTP works, because when try it with a wrong password i got an error.
Perhaps there are some restrictions of the file i send?

First my error. finder.exe will only find and reboot. It will not upload. I forgot.
I have a connectme9210. I used the netosprog that ships with NET+OS V7.5 to both discover the module and to successfully upload an image into the module. I did this with both a connectwi9p9215 and with a connectme9210.

Can you try the following:
using an ftp client such as from a DOS shell
ftp “the ip address or your device”
(no quotes in your actual command)
give it user name or root
give it password of password
Assuming you log in successfully
type binary
type put “the file name you want to upload”
(no quotes in your actual command)
presumably you are uploading an image.bin that you built. I would recommend an ftp server, in case this device has no JTAG connector
when complete type quit.
Does the image get uploaded to your device?
Does your device reboot?

As I say with both of the devices I used, all went well.


I have test it with DOS shell:

ftp “ip”
Output-> 220 Net+OS 7.6 FTP server ready.
user: root
Output-> 331 User root OK. send password.
password: password
Output-> 230 Password Ok.
ftp> binary
Output-> 200 Type set to I.
ftp> put C:\image.bin
Output-> 200 PORT command Ok.
Output-> 150 About to open data connection
Output-> 426 Connection closed: transfer aborded


A couple of things. I am using and have verified that I am using the shipping version of the FTP server application and I am not seeing this issue. First, where you show the following, “220 Net+OS 7.6 FTP server ready”. Did you shorten the version or does it truly show 7.6. This is because I am seeing version in FTP and TELNET.

DO you have the facilities to take a network trace of an FTP transaction and try to ascertain who is aborting the transaction. What I see from your display is the following:
Your ftp client successfully connects to the connectme9210. FTP (connectme9210) asks for user name and password. The ftp client returns both and the connection is successful on the CONTROL channel. The control channel is created by the ftp client to the ftp server. Then a data port is created. If I remember correctly, the ftp server (connectme9210) in standard mode, creates the ftp data channel and connects back to the ftp client. Just prior the ftp client sends a port message to the ftp server, telling the server the port number to use. It appears that it is the creation and connection attempt, by the ftp server (connectme9210) to the ftp client that is failing. Is there any chance that the connectme9210 and the ftp client (PC) are separated by a firewall that will not allow the data channel to be created by the connectme9210. This is a fairly common problem. ftp passive mode was created to get around this problem. In passive mode, the ftp client (the PC) creates both the control channel and the data channel.

So you might try ftp in passive mode. You might create and look at a trace to see who is doing what to whom.


I truly show the version 7.6
I try passiv mode with filezilla -> same porblem.

I have two network trace, one with ftp version, it is ok.
an a second with ftp 7.6, it fail.
1134 45.218446000 FTP 62 Request: TYPE I
1135 45.219332000 FTP 74 Response: 200 Type set to I.
1139 45.418328000 TCP 54 vistium-share > ftp [ACK] Seq=35 Ack=111 Win=65425 Len=0
1607 69.331687000 FTP 77 Request: PORT 172,16,1,19,6,13
1608 69.332685000 FTP 76 Response: 200 PORT command Ok.
1609 69.333322000 FTP 70 Request: STOR image.bin
1610 69.334775000 TCP 78 36531 > shivahose [SYN] Seq=0 Win=17376 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=1 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=706383 TSecr=0
1611 69.334793000 TCP 78 shivahose > 36531 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=1 TSval=0 TSecr=0 SACK_PERM=1
1612 69.335596000 TCP 66 36531 > shivahose [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=17376 Len=0 TSval=706383 TSecr=0
1613 69.336230000 FTP 90 Response: 150 About to open data connection.
1615 69.354515000 TCP 1514 shivahose > 36531 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=31774 TSecr=706383
1616 69.354525000 TCP 1514 shivahose > 36531 [ACK] Seq=1449 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=31774 TSecr=706383
1624 69.436816000 TCP 66 36531 > shivahose [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=2897 Win=17376 Len=0 TSval=706483 TSecr=31774

1988 96.127112000 FTP 62 Request: TYPE I
1989 96.127927000 FTP 74 Response: 200 Type set to I.
1993 96.325697000 TCP 54 ets > ftp [ACK] Seq=35 Ack=107 Win=65429 Len=0
2136 105.568716000 FTP 77 Request: PORT 172,16,1,19,6,37
2137 105.569781000 FTP 76 Response: 200 PORT command Ok.
2138 105.570102000 FTP 70 Request: STOR image.bin
2139 105.571223000 TCP 78 53302 > itscomm-ns [SYN] Seq=0 Win=17376 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=1 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=130800 TSecr=0
2140 105.571242000 TCP 78 itscomm-ns > 53302 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=1 TSval=0 TSecr=0 SACK_PERM=1
2141 105.571917000 TCP 66 53302 > itscomm-ns [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=17376 Len=0 TSval=130800 TSecr=0
2142 105.572519000 FTP 90 Response: 150 About to open data connection.
2143 105.573218000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34089 TSecr=130800
2144 105.573228000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=1449 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34089 TSecr=130800
2145 105.669412000 TCP 66 53302 > itscomm-ns [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=2897 Win=17376 Len=0 TSval=130900 TSecr=34089
2146 105.669426000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=2897 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2147 105.669434000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=4345 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2148 105.669441000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=5793 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2149 105.672107000 TCP 66 53302 > itscomm-ns [FIN, PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=7241 Win=17376 Len=0 TSval=130900 TSecr=34090
2150 105.672120000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=7241 Ack=2 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2151 105.672128000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=8689 Ack=2 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2152 105.672134000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=10137 Ack=2 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2153 105.672141000 TCP 1514 itscomm-ns > 53302 [ACK] Seq=11585 Ack=2 Win=65535 Len=1448 TSval=34090 TSecr=130900
2154 105.672870000 TCP 60 53302 > itscomm-ns [RST] Seq=2 Win=0 Len=0
2155 105.673406000 TCP 60 53302 > itscomm-ns [RST] Seq=2 Win=0 Len=0
2156 105.673876000 TCP 60 53302 > itscomm-ns [RST] Seq=2 Win=0 Len=0
2157 105.674340000 TCP 60 53302 > itscomm-ns [RST] Seq=2 Win=0 Len=0

Thank you for your support!

Can you supply the serial numbers/MAC addresses of the modules that do not work?

Also I am just verifying, I am assuming that the units you are dealing with do NOT have JTAG connectors so the only way you might have had to update the F/W is through FTP or netosprog?

I find out, that small (440kb) “image.bin” files are working.
And the file transfer with big files (1350kb) work when i rename the “image.bin” to “test.bin”.

So can update with a “FTP Server Sample” from V7.5.2.2
Then i can update to my Application.

Maybe the original FTP can not handel big Files because of the RAMIMAGE_SIZE?

I use 4M/8M Digi ME9210(-c) without JTag!

sorry my friend i have no any idea about it


“And the file transfer with big files (1350kb) work when i rename the “image.bin” to “test.bin”.”

I believe there is some special code in the ftp server that specifically looks for either image.bin (application) or rom.bin (bootloader) and writes them to special places in FLASH. test.bin, not meeting this criterion, would be written to the FLASH file system. The FLASH file system would have less restriction on file size then would the writing of the application (image.bin) to FLASH.

Are you now able to do what you need to do?

In an effort to wrap this discussion up, in the bsp\platforms \ or if using ESP, in the bsp\platform_name folder is a file entitled customize.ldr. In that file are some macros for setting up sizes used all over NET+OS. Two of them that are germane to this discussion are APP_MAX_SIZE_IN_FLASH and BACKUP_RECOVERY_MAX_SIZE_IN_FLASH. Also FILE_SYSTEM_SIZE and FLASH_SIZE are also useful.
For a connectme9210, by default APP_MAX_SIZE_IN_FLASH is 1280K. This means that for your application (image.bin) to be successfully written into FLASH, it can be no larger than 1280K. According to you, your application (image.bin) was 1350K. Clearly this will not work. Then you stated that an image.bin of size 440K did work. Again clearly since 440K < 1280K, that will work.

Be very careful if you try and modify these values. They have real meaning. If you increase the size for image.bin in FLASH, we generally recommend that you decrease the size of something else, such as the backup image or the FLASH file system.

Thats the problem.
This are the values i can change under Project->Properties->NET+OS->Flash Memory Map.

I will set the App_Image_Size higher.
It’s necessary to set the File System Size to the same size or is the image.bin receive by ftp only store in ram?

“This are the values i can change under Project->Properties->NET+OS->Flash Memory Map.”

  • Ok you are doing this manipulation through ESP.

It’s necessary to set the File System Size to the same size or is the image.bin receive by ftp only store in ram?

  • My point is that FLASH is a limited and fixed quantity. So if you increase one thing stored in FLASH you must decrease something else stored in FLASH to ensure that everything fits.

The image.bin is read into RAM and immediately written to FLASH.

Because the sample code is not use the full 8MB flash, there is some unused space.
So i can increase without decrease something.


Remember that in FLASH are the following objects:
bootloader (rom.bin), application (image.bin), possibly a backup image (backup.bin) , the FLASH file system and NVRAM. As long as you are managing FLASH use, then I’ll agree.