I am currently developing some software to run in the Digi Connect ME.
It’s purpose is to communicate with a Microchip PIC device via a serial port, and serve dynamic web pages via http to a user’s web browser, based on the information from the PIC.
I am using a Digi Connect ME Integration (Development?) kit with a Raven debugger, and Net+Works 6.0 GNU Software dev kit.
My problems / questions are as follows :
1/. I am generally finding the documentation very sparse. Although there seems to be a huge amount of documentation for API calls etc., I cannot find much on basically getting applications up and running in the Digi Connect ME.
2/. I can MAKE an example piece of code (e.g. NAFTPAPP) and debug it in the module but once it’s been debugged, how do I get it to run without the debugger ?
3/. There are examples of e.g. nahttp_pd (PBuilder code, manual says nahttp_pb !) but, if I use PBuilder or the HTML to C compiler to build a web page into an executable, what address does it have…
e.g. is the module’s IP address, but when I copy html files across, test.htm is accessed via
How do I know what ‘folder’ the executable goes into (e.g. /FS/WEB),
How do I put it there (the web interface mentions nothing about folders),
How do I run the executable (what is it’s URL, since the filename seems to be “image.bin”).
Thank you in advance for any help anyone may be able to give me on this.
Nigel Stevens