I have a Connect EM Integration Kit and want to find out how to use it. I’m new to this “world”, so I need some help to get started.
I have my development board connected to my pc with both ethernet and serial. (A loop).
Later I will have a serial device, and the connect me will be ha TCP server.
I want to use hyperterminal just to se its working. How…?
Do I f.ex. have to write a c++ program to communicate with hyperterminal?
I haven’t used hypertermial before… So can someone please help me to over the first top?
I think I figured it out by myself.
I used the “TCP client sample code” and got a “Hello World” in the hyperterminal!
The was that I used wrong serialport on the board. (An error on the bord? (P2 shouldn’t be primary?))
Message was edited by: EirikO