PortServer TS-4 duration of telnet hard break signal to attached serial device

Hello All,

I am trying to connect to a serial instrument that requires a >300 ms hardware break signal to wake it up. I am able to successfully communicate with the instrument using the RealPort comport redirector software. I am unable, however, to communicate with the instrument via a telnet connection to ports 2001 or 2101. I have configured the line to pass the telnet break and an oscilloscope confirms the telnet break is coming out of the PortServer. The problem is the duration of the break signal. It is 1 second when using the RealPort connection and only ~50 ms when using the telnet connection.

Is it possible to set the duration of the break signal when connected via telnet? This is the means I will need to use going forward. I need at least a 300 ms signal, longer is better.
