Serial Tunneling

I am setting up 2 port server II’s to port serial data between hospitals. I do this in the same location with PS TS 2 - PS II, now trying PS II -PS II.
I have Auto Connect on and the Host IP addr.
I have same 300 7E 1 on both ends.
I have the Dport set to the port on the remote end set to a single digit number (ei: 2, 4, 5)
where as on the PS TS I set up it has a 4 digit number (ie: 2102,2104,2105)

What am I missing??

HELP ME sinking in St Louis on a holiday…

On the remote unit, you will want to change the port device type from term to prn. The local unit should have the vaule set at mio to drive the connection on the assertion of DCD. If DCD is not wired on the local unit, you should simply use “term”.

The dport is also the 2000 socket number (i.e.: 2001 for port 1, 2004 for port 4, etc…).