I have installed 1 coordinator and 1 end device in a clean room, pharma industry. The coordinator is installed in the service room above the POP ceiling and the end device is installed inside the room on the wall. The distance between the end device and the coordinator is about 10 mtrs without any obstruction in between. The end device is working on a range of just 5% which was actually expected to be more than 50% observing the environmental condition.
We are facing major network issues on site installations, being the environmental conditions good enough. Kindly suggest what changes I can make to achieve better network quality. I have done testing after changing SC = 5 from SC = 1 still i didn’t Receive any good results.
the zigbee model used is XBP24CZ7UIT-004-revD
If this is a point to point connection from an Sleeping End device to a Always on Coordinator, then why are we doing Mesh? Why are we not using the 802.15.4 versions of the product configured for Point to point addressing?
We have design generalized network where we can use router if required. Even in the above case there is one more end device configured to same coordinator which is located in another room. This end device was constantly losing communication though being at just a distance of 25mtrs, but there are two doors in between. We have installed a router exactly in between the coordinator and end device above the POP ceiling. End device is giving range of 17% through router and it is into communication since then. But the end device nearest to coordinator(which I have mentioned previously) is losing communication and working on 5% which is unexpected.
Are you using hardware flow control?
What antenna option are you using?
Have you properly orientated the antenna to obtain the best possible signal? Have you verified that using the proper tools?
Are you able to improve communications be increasing the wake time?
What is the full part number for the module you are working with?
We are using the zigbee model XBP24CZ7UIT-004-revD.
We are using 3dbi -P/N:A24-HASM-450
we have checked antenna performance on road .
It gives 2 km Line of side communication.
Now we have relocated the transmitter & receiver for better range now all tx & RX are working on full strengths with no variation in signal strength .
But Still we are getting loss of communication for 2-10 minutes.
The occurrence of loss of communication is random. Some time it is 2-5 minute once in 2 or 3 days. or 2-5 min in one day.
is increase in SC from 1 to 5 may help?
or any other setting is required to avoid loss of communication.
Now Sleep time for transmitter is 1 sec. we are using pin hibernate mode for sleep in tX.
we are using mesh as we want to use Router between TX & RX.
Yes increasing or changing the channel mask to include more than one channel may solve the issue depending on what is causing it. Just understand that the channel selection only occurs by the Coordinator as the network is established.