Hello , I am trying to sniff Xbee (XB24-Z7WIT-004) with CC2531 USB Dongle , but no matter which firmware and what parameters I burn I am not able to sniff it with Packet Sniffer.
Have somebody succeeded in that ?
Can somebody help me please.
Sure you can. You just need to know what channel the radio is operating on. You can find that out by looking at the CH parameter. Then set your sniffer application to the same channel.
First of all thanks for your answer but it still does not help.
I am trying to form a network as coordinator based on the manual ,
After updating all the fields (Like ID , SC , SD , ZS ,EE , NK , KY , EO )
Message Status “coordinator started” is sent , (AI is 0)
I start to sniff on CH Channel (based on Xbee Parameter)
And still there is silence even if i send Explicit Addressing Command Frame and receive Transmit Status as successful I don’t see related data in the sniper.
I am sending data via XCTU.
What I am doing wrong ??
This is not an issue with the radio but more with your sniffer configuration. If you are able to send and receive data between two or more modules, then you know that they are communicating. So I would suggest verifying the CH command and the actual frequency the radio is operating at. That is what the Hex value converts to.