XBEE PRO Coordinator & CC2531 Router connection problem

Wow guys I’m really glad I found this place!!

I am trying to establish communication between a XBEE Pro COORDINATOR and TI CC2531 ROUTER module.

The setting for the xbee module is as follows:

Firmware: XBP24BZ7
Function Set: Zigbee Coordinator API
Version : 21A7
Pan ID : 0
Stack Profile: 2 (Zigbee Pro 2007)

The TI cc2530 is configured as a router with zigbee Pro stack.

Both are on PAN ID = 0, Channel 11 (0xB)

What’s the simplest test I can do to ensure that they have paired?

I execute a Network Discovery API command from the xbee coordinator … but nothing happens.

Is there something I need to do on the CC2531 side to make it respond?

Thanks for your help!!


Hi Rob

Network Discovery AT command (ATND) is the right command to know which other devices are in the same network.

But 2 XBee modules will not join each other untill both of them have same PAN ID. You need to manually provide same PAN ID to both of them


The PAN ID is 0 on both devices… are there any other settings I should be aware of ?

There’s a lot to learn on the CC2531 side with a list of daunting settings…

Is there something I need to do on the CC2531 side to make it respond?

What’s the simplest test I can do to ensure that they have paired?

I’ve got another dongle on the way so I can use the sniffer… any recommendations on what I could try to debug or test this?

Hi robstar

The PAN ID need to be a unique and a non zero value. Say for example 1947

Ahh thanks, I set the PAN id to non-zero … but no difference :frowning:

before I continue, I need to make sure they can find each other… Do these look OK?

CC2531 has ZCD_NV_CHANLIST = 0x00000800


Hi robstar

It looks like that your router is a non-digi product. If it is so, then on both coordinator and router you need to assign ‘ZigBee stack profile’ parameter ZS = 2. In case they both are digi products then put ZS=0 on both of them.

Yes, as I’ve mentioned above:

The setting for the xbee module is as follows:

Firmware: XBP24BZ7
Function Set: Zigbee Coordinator API
Version : 21A7
Pan ID : 0
Stack Profile: 2 (Zigbee Pro 2007)

The TI cc2530 is configured as a router with zigbee Pro stack.

I think these are matching … I guess I’ll report back once I get the sniffer and see what’s in the air… Thanks for your help.

Hello robstar,

The scan channel should be the same on both devices, SC=0x7FFF is OK in the XBee (all channels); you should check that CC2531 has the same channels enabled.

Also, I have had some problems with XBee routers “creating” their own network on another channel when the coordinator is not present. I solved it by setting JV=1 (see this command’s documentation below from the XBee PRO datasheet).

As other users stated above, it is a better idea to use the same unique PANID on both devices instead of 0x00. If you want to use 0x00 check that OP (Operating PAN ID) and CH are equal on both to ensure that both devices are on the same PANID.

Finally, if the router does not connect, the AI parameter may help you determine what is happening.

JV Parameter: Channel Verification. Set/Read the channel verification parameter. If JV=1, a router
will verify the coordinator is on its operating channel when joining or coming up from a
power cycle. If a coordinator is not detected, the router will leave its current channel and
attempt to join a new PAN. If JV=0, the router will continue operating on its current
channel even if a coordinator is not detected

Thanks for the information spastor … I will play with it more very soon.

I have a question about the JV setting… since my router is the cc2531 … does it have an equivalent parameter I need to worry about?


i also have a battery pack running through a 3.3V regulator (powering MCU and Xbee… When i attempt to run off the battery power after disconnecting the debugger the blinking led/ pwn work but the xbee no longer works… I have checked power / ground / DIn(from UART TX) and Dout(from UART RX) power/ ground good, transmit pin on xbee is getting signal but nothing is sent to x-ctu (which works perfectly fine while connected to debugger)

Hi Robstar,

which tool do you use to be aware of ZCD_NV_CHANLIST?