Trouble configuring two xbee/fios to transmit data to a third

Problem: I am having mayor problems configuring these xbees to talk to each other. I searched you board as well as other forums and bought an xbee programming book (which ended up being for series 2 only:( )

I basically have 3 xbee series 1 modules each one is connected to an arduino fio. Two xbee/fio modules are transmiters and the third is a receiver. I have an accelerometer conected to analog 0 and analog 1 on each transmiting module on the fio. Their sketches read the two analog values and Serial.print them.

The receiving xbee/fio simply initializes the Serial port (Serial.begin(9600)) and does a int x=; Serial.println(x);

I know the data is being received from the accelerometers because when I plug the transmitters into the serial monitor I get the analog values displayed. I know the receiver is getting something because when the receiver is plugged into the serial monitor and the transmitter is off I get a stream of -1’s but when the transmitter is switched on, a stream of two digit values comes out of the serial monitor from the receiver.

The problem is that the stream of numbers is constant and repeditive so I dont think my analog values is buried within it. I can move the accelerometer but the values do not change at the receiving end.

I think its just a question of configuring the xbees properly.

Here are my settings…

Transmitter#1 is configured to default with the following changes:

PAN: 0314
MY: 1

Transmitter#2 is configured to default with the following changes:

PAN: 0314
MY: 2

RECEIVER is configured to default with the following changes:

PAN: 0314
MY: 0

I have been testing it with only one transmitter on bbut no luck. If you could help or even direct me to a goodtutorial I would really appreciate it. I’m new to this and the data sheets and user manual were a bit overwhelming
Hope you can help

How is the data being transmitted? use of the IR command? You need to configure more than you show to do what you want.

Also, you will have trouble in ‘AT’ mode understanding which remote sends you which data (I think … I don’t use S1 modules or AT mode)