Unable to connect


Can’t apply any Client Settings - I get the following error;

“Configuration save failed
An error occurred while applying the configuration.”

This happens even without making any changes.

Can’t do anything unless I can configure it!

Hello…Check what is the IP being alloted, on the off chance that 10.x.x.x or 172.x.x.x, at that point you don’t have a routable IP. My own understanding, if your cell organize utilizes DHCP, you won’t have a routable IP ever, you will always be unable to ping or associate with the WAN 3G from outside.
Over cell, stock Digi Realport drivers most likely won’t work, in light of the fact that the breaks will be excessively low.

Hi and welcome to Digi Forum!

Basing on the description of your issue, I think you need to “APPLY” the admin password in the web GUI (see here: https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/90002383/default.htm#device/anywhereusbplus/content/tasks/t_change_default_pw_hub.htm).

Basically, you should go in the Web interface System > Device Configuration and you should see highlighted in RED and expanded, the Authentication > Users > admin section. There, enter a password (you may enter the one printed on the box or a new one) and “APPLY” on the upper right button.

After that, login again and you should be able to save all changes.

Hi hope this helps,but if you still have issues, please send an email to tech.support@digi.com to further investigate.

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Best Regards

Digi Technical Support Team