Why is my ConnectionStatus works but the Connect and Disconnect not?

Greatings! I have a problem with using the AwUsbApi. I tried to create a c# windows form app where i can control the AnywhereUsb/14. I use the v3.99.350 dll provided by the driver. I was able to use the ConnectionStatus function, which works perfectly, but the Connect and Disconnect doesn’t. I implemented all three the same way. Could you help me what is the problem with my solution? I attach my relevant part of my code. First the three DLL function import, after that the three call. Thank you for the help!

    [DllImport("AwUsbApi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern AWUSB_STATUS AwUsbConnect(string hub, out uint status, int timeout, IntPtr handler);

    [DllImport("AwUsbApi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern AWUSB_STATUS AwUsbDisconnect(string hub);

    [DllImport("AwUsbApi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern AWUSB_STATUS AwUsbGetConnectionStatus(string hub, out int ipAddress, out int status, int timeout, IntPtr handler);

var c_return = AwUsbConnect(IP, out uint result, 10000, IntPtr.Zero);
var dc_return = AwUsbDisconnect(IP);
var cs_return = AwUsbGetConnectionStatus(IP, out int ipadress, out int status, 10000,