we have a WR11-L600-DE1-XU that will turn off after a few days and will not go back on until we do a reset. This unit is installed into an enclosure but it is well ventilated. does anyone else experience this before?
any help would be greatly appreciated
are you using the DIGI power supply and is not interupted ?
when you go to reset the device
does it show any LEDS ?
Can it be accessed localy >
are all the ledbs of but power is good ?
If running firmware downgrade to or previous as there is a bug in currently being assessed by Digi
This bug causes LAN ports to not function correctly.
before reset no LEDs are on and no communication until we reset the device. Yes power is good.
Hi so how does that effect a wr11 that has no LEDs on no connection ??
did not see the reply about LED’s below main question…