I am trying to use the XB24C to receive messages from the CC2650 Contiki Rime protocol. I did not quite succeed.
I have verified the PANID, the Channel and even tried the broadcast examples. On the NodeID (used by the Rime address) however, I am not sure how to set this. Should I use the ATNI setting which is a string? On the Contiki end, this is an integer data type.
Can somebody help me with a blog or with some instructions on how to set the XBE configuration for this purpose? Even before that, am I trying something that is not technically possible? My assumption is that the Prop RF layer that Contiki uses to talk to its audience is also being supported by this XB24C device.
Just in case there is any other way to achieve communication between the XBee and Contiki, how can I achieve it? Say, if I used the uIP or the ipv6 protocols, can I achieve the same goals?
Need help from the gurus.and thank you in advance…
Ok… Even if we leave the Rime part of it out, can i do a barebones 802.15.4 communication with the Proprietary Mode, assuming the PANID and the Channel, are all set to the same values?
Also, please guide me to the appropriate documentation on this specific module. Some documentation I had downloaded simply talks about the 802.15.4 protocol and not the ZigBee.
I am not interested in the ZigBee protocol. I intend to develop using the base protocol itself. In that case, can I go ahead and use the XB24C?
IF you install the XBee 802.15.4 firmware on the S2C module, then yes you can have an 802.15.4 network. If you then set the MM command to a value of 1 or 2, you can then talk to 3rd party 802.15.4 devices.