Hello everyone,
I hava a Xbee 3 micromodule, with a XBee surface-mount (SMT) Grove development board. One Xbee is a router and the other cordinator. When I configure the router to pin hibernate (pin sleep), It turns into end device (as expected) and then enters in power down mode, turning the led lights off (sleeping mode). So far, everything working properly. But when I activate the pin 9 with 3,3 volts, the end device doesn´t “wake up” and can´t send any sensor information to cordinator. ( I have a hall sensor coupled to the router). After that, as the end device is sleeping, I´m not able to discover it in the network again, I have to put it in the USB port in my computer, and change its configuration to not sleep (becoming router again). Anyone having this problem? I´m not able to “wake up” the device again.
Are you using cyclic sleep with Pin wake?
No, I´m using mode (1)- pin hibernate.
I need to wake it up in some intervals that depends on the sensor, and don´t have a fixed time to wake. So I need to control sleep by activating the pin.
Cyclic sleep with Pin wake does both. It allows you to wake when you want but also on a time frame. I am also not sure if the grove board connects that line out or not.
Try manually configuring DIO9 in XCTU to SLEEP_RQ and make sure no micropython code is running behind the scenes. Check with a meter to make sure you’re actually seeing 3.3v at the pin.
Thank you for all your help Shadow Fight 3 Mod Apk