Xbee 868 model differences

Hello there,
I have 2 Xbee 868 devices (I thought they are the same). When I make a network discovery in order to find the other one, I have noticed its “function” is different:
One Xbee device has function: “Xbee SX 868” (looking in XCTU) and the other one has “Xbee 865/868LP 80K”. I understand that the former one is an Xbee 868 module (this one https://www.digi.com/products/xbee-rf-solutions/sub-1-ghz-modules/digi-xbee-sx-868#partnumbers ). But what is the latter module?
I would appreciate all help.

Anyone please?


Here is the user manual of the Xbee 868 LP, it’s the older version of SX 868 :

I think that a 868 LP is not able to communicate with a SX 868.

Thank you for answer. The thing is I found the other xbee through network discovery, so they can talk to each other