xbee: fundamental problem

I am new for xbee .I have two XB24-ACI-001 series1module. I want to transfer data which is read from infrared ,from one module to other wirelessly & display the data on hyperterminal of PC which is placed at remotely. Block diagram is as

My question is that-

  1. How can I configure xbee1 & xbee2 module without using x-ctu?
  2. Can I configure xbee2 module with controller?
  3. I get error msg as timeout period while downloading new firmware version. How can I get new version of x-ctu?
  4. is there any necessity to add Max232 at receiver side ? or can I directly connect xbee2 to com port.

Here I attched sample code which transmit data “hello world”
Is there is any requirement for TMOD & SCON reg. I set baudrate two times
As th1=0xfd & ATBD3 .
Pls ,help me .

void main(){
UART_init(); // start timer
msdelay(400); // delay of 1sec
msdelay(800); // wait for 2sec

		if(returnedOK()=='T'){				// check the status of module
			UART_prints("Hello World!!!!");}    // print data
			goto setUP;

void UART_init(void){
	TMOD=0X20;	  							//timer 1,mode 2
	TH1=0XFD;								// baud rate 9600
	SCON=0X50;								//1 start,1 stop,8 bit data

void UART_prints(uchar *string){
	while (*string){
		SBUF=*string++;						 	//mov to SBUF
		while(TI==0);							// check for TI
		TI=0; }

uchar returnedOK(void){
	uchar  incomingChar[3];
	uchar okString[] = "OK";
	uchar i,result;
	if(incomingChar[0]=='O'&& incomingChar[1]=='K'){


  1. How can I configure xbee1 & xbee2 module without using x-ctu? 2) Can I configure xbee2 module with controller? 3) I get error msg as timeout period while downloading new firmware version. How can I get new version of x-ctu? 4) is there any necessity to add Max232 at receiver side ? or can I directly connect xbee2 to com port.

1- Send the proper command into the XBee serial. Read the data sheets
2- yes
3- ? search the forum for answer or open a trouble ticket with Digi.
4- Yes, a MAX232 (or equivalent) is required to connect an XBee to the COM port of a PC.