I resently received the Drop-in Networking Professional Development kit. When going trough the manual i got to the point of the demo application. I have uploaded it to my gateway en tried running it using the following command line:
python EmbeddedKitService.py
After a while the system returns the following lines:
Starting up…
Ready for incoming requests!
Discovering nodes…
So far so good…
But then it returns the error:
Exception in thread WPANSerialEndpoind:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “WEB/python/embedded_kit_gateway.zip/threading.py” line 442, in __bootst rap
File “WEB/python/EmbeddedKitManager.py”, line 496, in get_bindings_hash_list hash_list = [self._bindings.bindings[k].to_hash()
File “WEB/python/EmbeddedKitManager.py”, line 38, in to_hash return {
IndexError: list index out of range.
Due to this error it is not possible to view the nodes in the windows demo application.
I am abble to view all nodes in the webinterface.
What might cause this error? How can i fix the error?